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Showing Dreams sms Message 161 - 170 of 196 messages, Page 17 of 20 pages.


/ l’..



A boat







into a

“Dream Land”

Good night and

Sweet dreams.

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Angels are there to guide and protect you in whatever you'll do.Tonight, they'll take you to a place where your dreams can come true.

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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

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Let d most beautiful dream come 2 u 2nite,

Let d sweetest person come in ur dream 2nite,

but dont make it a habit bcoz i wont b able 2 come daily!

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You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I don't care, and you may think that I'm not thinking of you. Well, you're wrong. You're still in my dreams.

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Things to take note when u sleep:

Miss me, think of me, hug me, and love me.

Try to sleep now and close ur eyes.

Get prepared to dream of me. Good Night!

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Star + Moon = Romantic Night

Birds + Sky = Lovely Day

Dreams + Love = Beautiful World

But U + Ur Sweet Smile =


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Things to take note when u sleep: Miss me, think of me, hug me, and love me. Try to sleep now and close ur eyes. Get prepared to dream of me. Good Night!

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Showing Dreams sms Message 161 - 170 of 196 messages, Page 17 of 20 pages.