Dreams sms Message

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Showing Dreams sms Message 51 - 60 of 196 messages, Page 6 of 20 pages.

if i was there tonight

i would cover you in a blanket of love, and hold you in my arms all night.

i would protect you against the monsters under your bed,

and show you how much i care about you,

kisses and hugs, sweet dreams

good night

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ThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF ME, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SLEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Good Night

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Angels are there to guide and protect you in whatever you"ll

do. Tonight, they"ll take you to a place where your dreams

can come true.

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night is a wonderful

2 pray

2 love

2 care

2 sleep

and to thank all the blessings we received good night and sweet dreamz

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All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.

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Since ur eyes are

looking tired... Let ur

eye lashes hug each

other for few hours.

Happy journey into the

world of dreams..GOOD NIGHT !

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Welcome to "sleepy airlines"ur flight will be be reaching nice day by 2mrw mrng. Plz close ur eyes n fasten ur seat belts as u travel thru d land of sweet dreams.

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Angels are there to guide and protect you in whatever you'll do. Tonight, they'll take you to a place where your dreams can come true.

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Showing Dreams sms Message 51 - 60 of 196 messages, Page 6 of 20 pages.