Encouragement sms Message

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List of Encouragement sms Text Messages

Showing Encouragement sms Message 281 - 290 of 605 messages, Page 29 of 61 pages.


1>Pray as if everything depends on God & work as everyhting depends on you.

2>To handle yourself use ur head;to handle others use ur heart.

3>Do not lose head in success & heart in failure.

4>Beauty and colour may attract the eye but only a smile appeals to the heart....

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There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.

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Right things are not possible always..!
Possible things are not right always..!
Be true to your heart, you will never go wrong..!

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The best lesson of life-"Don't get frustrated doing continious unresulted efforts, Sometimes the last key of the bunch opens the lock..."

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you have one thing in common with all successful people-'24 hours'.So use these to best you can and reach out for the stars

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When God gives us “NO” for an answer.
Keep in mind that there is a much greater “YES”
His NO is not a REJECTION.

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Appreciate life itself even if it's not a bed of roses. Contentment is not fulfillment of what u wish 4 but appreciation of what u have.

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There will not be any fear and doubt
in performing any task, if you are a confident,courageous and hard working person.

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Showing Encouragement sms Message 281 - 290 of 605 messages, Page 29 of 61 pages.