Miscellaneous sms Message

Miscellaneous sms message - A large collection of  Miscellaneous sms messages. Unlimited fun with sms,shayari, quotes & jokes. We have a large collection of sms message from various categories like love sms, friendship sms. Our regular users daily post their own sms to our website. So we have a big database of sms. We have also a huge collection of shayari from various shayer and shayari categories like hindi shayari, urdu shayari etc. Our database has also various quotes from various authors from various tags like life quotes, love quotes. Our daily regular users post their own quotes or quotes from various books which are really good and help us to over come many problems. So we are trying our best to present various sms, shayari, quotes and jokes to give you more entertainment. Keep visiting our site daily for daily updates and also please join to our facebook fan page for instant notification.

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List of Miscellaneous sms Text Messages

Showing Miscellaneous sms Message 901 - 910 of 1691 messages, Page 91 of 170 pages.

Thought for the day-
marrying a girl or boy for their beauty is like buying a house for its paint.

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Hold tight to memories for comfort, lean on your friends for strength and always remember how much you are cared about.

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' Difficultes are of AMAZING NATURE.
For some these are SPEED BREAKERS & for others these are the Opportunities to JUMP.

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Always respect, honour and pray for those who helped you in your badtime.
Also be thankful to badtime for showing you those who are yours..

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Every day may not be good, but there's some thing good in everyday.

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This Promise Day I don't promise u d moon,I don't promise u d star,But if u promise to remember me,I promise to be always dere. Thinking of u on dis promise day

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Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning and the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself.

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Pain reaches the heart with electrical speed, but truth moves to the heart as slowly as a glacier.

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Showing Miscellaneous sms Message 901 - 910 of 1691 messages, Page 91 of 170 pages.