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Showing Quotes sms Message 1121 - 1130 of 2211 messages, Page 113 of 222 pages.

Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons from coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.

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I love life because what more is there.

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The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.

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If you love someone, if you truly love someone, you will put aside foolish pride and fear, and love them without regret, without worry, because you know that without them there is no reason for caring.

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Laughter is the closest distance between two people.

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If what I have for you isn't true love, then there is no such thing.

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Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime.

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By the time a man notices that he is no longer young, his youth has long since left him.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 1121 - 1130 of 2211 messages, Page 113 of 222 pages.