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Showing Quotes sms Message 1261 - 1270 of 2211 messages, Page 127 of 222 pages.

Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.

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A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it.

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The loving are the daring.

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The cat lives alone, has no need of society, obeys only when she pleases, pretends to sleep that she may see the more clearly, and scratches everything on which she can lay her paw.

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He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.

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When in doubt, mumble.

When in trouble, delegate.

When in charge, ponder.

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She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast

May not deal in doubt or pity, must not swerve for fact or jest.

These be purely male diversions, not in these her honor dwells.

She, the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else.

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Golden words of success:See the clock only when you have no work,don't see the clock when you are working..clock is a lock for success...

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Showing Quotes sms Message 1261 - 1270 of 2211 messages, Page 127 of 222 pages.