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Quotes sms message - A large collection of  Quotes sms messages. Unlimited fun with sms,shayari, quotes & jokes. We have a large collection of sms message from various categories like love sms, friendship sms. Our regular users daily post their own sms to our website. So we have a big database of sms. We have also a huge collection of shayari from various shayer and shayari categories like hindi shayari, urdu shayari etc. Our database has also various quotes from various authors from various tags like life quotes, love quotes. Our daily regular users post their own quotes or quotes from various books which are really good and help us to over come many problems. So we are trying our best to present various sms, shayari, quotes and jokes to give you more entertainment. Keep visiting our site daily for daily updates and also please join to our facebook fan page for instant notification.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 1491 - 1500 of 2211 messages, Page 150 of 222 pages.

True love knows no boundaries. It is the people involved who create them.

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When nobody around you seems to measure up, it's time to check your yardstick.

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You truly love someone when you can feel every joy, sadness and pain of the other as if they were your own.

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Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

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The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from the old ones.

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Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.

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Where there is True Love, there are always miracles.

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Dont do things like have smelly, green sneakers. You might get attention, but attention aint the same thing as love.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 1491 - 1500 of 2211 messages, Page 150 of 222 pages.