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Showing Quotes sms Message 1781 - 1790 of 2211 messages, Page 179 of 222 pages.

Come live with me, and be my love, And we will some new pleasures prove Of golden sands, and crystal brooks, With silken lines, and silver hooks.

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None love the messenger who brings bad news.

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Love is not a matter of counting the years it's making the years count.

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The mission before us as ambassadors is to assure peace among, as it were, the diplomatic corps of fellow ambassadors. Thus we are to walk in lowliness (humility) and meekness, which foster longsuffering and enable us to forbear one another in love.

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First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.

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Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,Old Time is still aflying,And this same flower that smiles today,Tomorow will be dying.

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Clearly stated instructions will consistently produce multiple interpretations.

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To live life without you is to live life without love.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 1781 - 1790 of 2211 messages, Page 179 of 222 pages.