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List of Quotes sms Text Messages

Showing Quotes sms Message 211 - 220 of 2211 messages, Page 22 of 222 pages.

Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch.

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The only things in life you regret, Are the risks that you didnt take.

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The red rose whispers of passion,And the white rose breathes of love;O, the red rose is a falcon,And the white rose is a dove.

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And on her lover's arm she leant, And round her waist she felt it fold, And far across the hills they went In that new world which is the old.

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To be in love is merely to be In a state of perpetual anesthesia: To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.

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The company of good people is like da shop of perfume.

even if u buy or not u'll still get lot of gud fragrance.

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True love hits you like your first rain storm: scary at first, but you'll soon find its beauty.

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Everything is but a dream within a dream.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 211 - 220 of 2211 messages, Page 22 of 222 pages.