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Showing Quotes sms Message 361 - 370 of 2211 messages, Page 37 of 222 pages.

Someone once told me that true love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another.

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Love is a thing, well, its kind of like quicksand: The more you are in it, the deeper you sink. And when it hits you, you've just got to fall.

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Love is the poetry of the senses.

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It's like a dream of never ending beauty... love never dies.

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The mind unlearns with difficulty what it has long learned.

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We often speak of love when we really should be speaking of the drive to dominate or to master, so as to confirm ourselves as active agents, in control of our own destinies and worthy of respect from others.

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If you have the courage to love, you have the courage to suffer.

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Oh, Jacques, we're used to each other, we're a pair of captive hawks caught in the same cage, and so we've grown used to each other. That's what passes for love at this dim, shadowy end of the Camino Real.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 361 - 370 of 2211 messages, Page 37 of 222 pages.