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Showing Quotes sms Message 601 - 610 of 2211 messages, Page 61 of 222 pages.

She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great

As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistress of the Mate;

And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim

Her right as femme (and baron), her equipment is the same.

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A strange Quote but a true one love dosen't start in morning and dosen't end in evening....
It starts when u don't need it and ends when u need it the most

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Where love rules, there is no will to power and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.

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Love that we cannot have is the one that

Lasts the longest,

Hurts the deepest,

And feels the strongest.

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A little kindness from person to person is better than a vast love for all humankind.

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A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar.

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Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim.

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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage

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Showing Quotes sms Message 601 - 610 of 2211 messages, Page 61 of 222 pages.