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Showing Quotes sms Message 861 - 870 of 2211 messages, Page 87 of 222 pages.

Enlightenment is the "quiet acceptance of what is" I believe the truly enlightened beings are those who refuse to allow

themselves to be distressed over things that simply are the way they are.

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No one can give you better advice than yourself.

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Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.

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The great thing a little lamp can do which the big sun cannot do is, it gives light at night. No one is superior by size, but by purpose.

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'Tis said of love that it sometimes goes, sometimes flies; runs with one, walks gravely with another; turns a third into ice, and sets a fourth in a flame: it wounds one, another it kills: like lightning it begins and ends in the same moment: it makes that fort yield at night which it besieged but in the morning; for there is no force able to resist it.

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True love begins, when you think more about the other person, then his or her reaction to you. When you dare to reveal yourself, and when you dare to be vulnerable.

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When during sad times an angel should come to you, open your eyes and see who that angel is, for that is your one true love.

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You can always create your own experience of life in a beautiful and enjoyable way if you keep your love turned on within you- regardless of what other people say or do.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 861 - 870 of 2211 messages, Page 87 of 222 pages.