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Showing Quotes sms Message 871 - 880 of 2211 messages, Page 88 of 222 pages.

Love begets love, love knows no rules, this is the same for all.

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Wisdom is the quality that keeps you from getting into situations where you need it.

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True Love is like a spider and its web; no matter how many times the web is destroyed, or how hard it may seem to rebuild it, and when it seems as if all hope is lost... the spider will work hard to the restore the broken pieces.

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Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.

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When the love you have is true, you'll know it: just seeing that person will stop your heart and world for one second, but it will endure for a lifetime.

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It is an inexorable Law of Nature that bad must follow good, that decline must follow a rise. To feel that we can rest on our achievements is a dangerous fallacy. Inner strength can overcome anything that occurs outside.

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The well bred contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves.

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The spiritual meaning of love is measured by what it can do. Love is meant to heal. Love is meant to renew. Love is meant to bring us closer to God.

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Showing Quotes sms Message 871 - 880 of 2211 messages, Page 88 of 222 pages.