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Showing Quotes messages 2365 - 2376 of 2710 quotes messages, Page 198 of 226 pages.

All who have actually attained any real religious experience never wrangle over the form in which the different religions are expressed. They know that the soul of all religions is the same and so they have no quarrel with anybody just because he or she does not speak in the same tongue.

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This World will always continue to be a mixture of Good and Evil. Our duty is to sympathize with the weak and to Love even the wrongdoer.

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Above all, beware of compromises. I do not mean that you are to get into antagonism with anybody, but you have to hold on to your own principles in weal or woe and never adjust them to others' "fads" through the greed of getting supporters. Your Atman is the support of the universe—whose support do you stand in need of?

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What is now wanted is a combination of the greatest heart with the highest intellectuality, of infinite love with infinite knowledge.

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The more we grow in Love, Virtue and Holiness, the more we see Love, Virtue and Holiness outside.

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A tremendous stream is flowing toward the ocean, carrying us all along with it; and though like straws and scraps of paper we may at times float aimlessly about, in the long run we are sure to join the Ocean of Life and Bliss.

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There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point

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All condemnation of others really condemns ourselves. Adjust the microcosm which is in your power to do) and the macrocosm will adjust itself for you.

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Where can we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our own hearts and in every living being.

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Showing Quotes messages 2365 - 2376 of 2710 quotes messages, Page 198 of 226 pages.