Parallel Universe Quotes

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List of Parallel Universe Quotes

Showing Parallel Universe quotes 1 - 12 of 1 Parallel Universe quotes, Page 1 of 1 pages.

Things aren't like this," he kept repeating. "It shouldn't be this way." As if he had access to some other plane of existence, some parallel, "right" universe, and had sensed that our time had somehow been put out of joint. Such was his vehemence that I found myself believing him, believing, for example, in the possibility of that other life in which Vina had never left and we were making our lives together, all three of us, ascending together to the stars. Then he shook his head, and the spell broke. He opened his eyes, grinning ruefully. As if he knew his thoughts had infected mine. As if he knew his power. "Better get on with it," he said. "Make do with what there is.

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Showing Parallel Universe quotes 1 - 12 of 1 Parallel Universe quotes, Page 1 of 1 pages.