Rabindranath Tagore Quotes

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List of Rabindranath Tagore Quotes

Showing Rabindranath Tagore quotes 13 - 24 of 195 Rabindranath Tagore quotes, Page 2 of 17 pages.

Krajem szeroko rozpiętych skrzydeł mej
pieśni dotykam stóp twych, których bym nigdy inaczej nie sięgnął.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Yes, this is the logic of the Nation. And it
will never heed the voice of truth and goodness.
It will go on in its ring-dance of moral corruption,
linking steel unto steel, and machine unto
machine; trampling under its tread all the sweet
flowers of simple faith and the living ideals of

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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أيتها الأرض
أنت جميلة وقاسية
امرأة ورجل فى وقت واحد
تُزعزعين حياة الإنسان بصراعهات لا تطاق
باليد اليمنى تملأين الكأس بالرحيق
وباليسري تبددينه بددا

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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The fish in the water is silent, the animals on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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The touch of an infinite mystery passes over the trivial and the familiar, making it break out into ineffable music... The trees, the stars, and the blue hills ache with a meaning which can never be uttered in words.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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He alone may chastise who loves.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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The Child Angel

Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, my child,

unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence.

They are cruel in their greed and their envy,

their words are like hidden knives thirsting for blood.

Go and stand amidst their scowling hearts, my child,

and let your gentle eyes fall upon them like the

forgiving peace of the evening over the strife of the day.

Let them see your face, my child, and thus know the

meaning of all things, let them love you and love each other.

Come and take your seat in the bosom of the limitless, my child.

At sunrise open and raise your heart like a blossoming flower,

and at sunset bend your head and in silence

complete the worship of the day.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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তোমায় চোখে দেখার আগে তোমার স্বপন চোখে লাগে,
বেদন জাগে গো―
না চিনিতেই ভালো বেসেছি।...
...ফাগুন প্রাতের উতলা গো, চৈত্র রাতের উদাসী,
তোমার পথে আমরা ভেসেছি।

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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I seem to have loved you in infinite forms, infinite times, in life after life, in age after age forever.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Showing Rabindranath Tagore quotes 13 - 24 of 195 Rabindranath Tagore quotes, Page 2 of 17 pages.