Rabindranath Tagore Quotes

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List of Rabindranath Tagore Quotes

Showing Rabindranath Tagore quotes 37 - 48 of 195 Rabindranath Tagore quotes, Page 4 of 17 pages.

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Where are those tears in your eyes, my child?
How horrid of them to be always scolding you for nothing!
You have stained your fingers and face with ink while writing-
is that why they call you dirty?
O, fie! Would they dare to call the full moon dirty because
it has smudged its face with ink?
For every little trifle they blame you, my child. They are
ready to find fault for nothing.
You tore your clothes while playing-is that why they call you
O, fie! What would they call an autumn morning that smiles
through its ragged clouds?
Take no heed of what they say to you, my child.
They make a long list of your misdeeds.
Everybody knows how you love sweet things-is that why they
call you greedy?
O, fie! What then would they call us who love you?

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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প্রভু আমার, প্রিয় আমার পরম ধন হে।
চিরপথের সঙ্গী আমার চিরজীবন হে ॥

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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In learning a language, when from mere words we reach the laws of words, we have gained a great deal. But if we stop at that point and concern ourselves only with the marvels of the formation of a language, seeking the hidden reason of all its apparent caprices, we do not reach that end, for grammar is not literature… When we come to literature, we find that, though it conforms to the rules of grammar, it is yet a thing of joy; it is freedom itself. The beauty of a poem is bound by strict laws, yet it transcends them. The laws are its wings. They do not keep it weighed down. They carry it to freedom. Its form is in law, but its spirit is in beauty. Law is the first step toward freedom, and beauty is the complete liberation which stands on the pedestal of law. Beauty harmonizes in itself the limit and the beyond – the law and the liberty.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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The singer alone does not make a song,
there has to be someone who hears.

-Broken Song

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Perhaps the new dawn will come from this horizon, from the East where the sun rises; and then, unvanquished Man will retrace his path of conquest, despite all barriers, to win back his lost heritage.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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... for we women are not only the deities of the household fire, but the flame of the soul itself.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Biarlah saya berdoa, bukan untuk dilindungi dari kejahatan, tetapi agar berani menghadapinya.

Author : Rabindranath Tagore
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Showing Rabindranath Tagore quotes 37 - 48 of 195 Rabindranath Tagore quotes, Page 4 of 17 pages.