Salman Rushdie Quotes

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List of Salman Rushdie Quotes

Showing Salman Rushdie quotes 145 - 156 of 296 Salman Rushdie quotes, Page 13 of 25 pages.

When you throw everything up in the air anything becomes possible.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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She's no flibberti-gibberti mamzell, but a whir-stir-get-lost-sir bundla dynamite!

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Between shame and shamelessness lies the axis upon which we turn; meteorological conditions at both these poles are of the most extreme, ferocious type. Shamelessness, shame: the roots of violence.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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If love is a yearning to be like (even to become) the beloved, then hatred, it must be said, can be engendered by the same ambition, when it cannot be fulfilled.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Travel was pointless. It removed you from the place in which you had a meaning, and to which you gave meaning in return by dedicating your life to it, and it spirited you away into fairylands where you were, and looked, frankly absurd.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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The beautiful came to this city [Hollywood] in huge pathetic herds, to suffer, to be humiliated, to see the powerful currency of their beauty devalued like the Russian ruble or Argentine peso;to work as bellhops, as bar hostesses, as garbage collectors, as maids. The city was a cliff and they were its stampeding lemmings. At the foot of the cliff was the valley of the broken dolls.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Unless, of course, there's no such thing as chance; which case, we should either-optimistically-get up and cheer, because if everything is planned in advance, then we all have a meaning and are spared the terror of knowing ourselves to be random, without a why; or else, of course, we might-as pessimists-give up right here and now, understanding the futility of thought decision action, since nothing we think makes any difference anyway, things will be as they will. Where, then, is optimism? In fate or in chaos?

Author : Salman Rushdie
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All names mean something.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Language upon a silvered tongue affords enchantment enough.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Showing Salman Rushdie quotes 145 - 156 of 296 Salman Rushdie quotes, Page 13 of 25 pages.