Salman Rushdie Quotes

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List of Salman Rushdie Quotes

Showing Salman Rushdie quotes 85 - 96 of 296 Salman Rushdie quotes, Page 8 of 25 pages.

Unhappy endings might seem more realistic than happy ones, but reality often contained a streak of fantasy that realism lacked.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Captain Ahab drowned, he reminded himself; it was the trimmer, Ishmael, who survived.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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He had picked up languages the way most sailors pick up diseases; languages were his gonorrhoea, his syphilis, his scurvy, his ague, his plague.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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He knew that his father had finally run hard enough and long enough to wear down the frontiers between the worlds, he had run clear out of his skin and into the arms of his wife, to whom he had proved, once and for all, the superiority of his love. Some migrants are happy to depart.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Exile is a dream of a glorious return. Exile is a vision of revolution: Elba, not St Helena. It is an endless paradox: looking forward by always looking back. The exile is a ball hurled high into the air.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Easily found, easily gathered, lives were the small change of this world, and if you lost a few, it didn't matter; there were always more.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Sometimes, people trying to commit suicide manage it in a manner that leaves them breathless with astonishment.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Be so good as to cease to cast yourself in fictions. Pinch yourself, or slap yourself across the face if that's what it takes, but understand, please, that you are nonfictional, and this is real life.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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They drove past buses that dripped people the way a sponge drips water, and arrived at a thick forest of human beings, a crowd of people sprouting in all directions like leaves on jungle trees.

Author : Salman Rushdie
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Showing Salman Rushdie quotes 85 - 96 of 296 Salman Rushdie quotes, Page 8 of 25 pages.