Salman Rushdie Quotes

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List of Salman Rushdie Quotes

Showing Salman Rushdie quotes 1 - 12 of 4 Salman Rushdie quotes, Page 1 of 1 pages.

Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from the past, the more concrete and plausible it seems—but as you approach the present, it inevitably seems incredible.

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He did not wish to be divine. If there had never been a God, the emperor thought, it might have been easier to work out what goodness was. This business of worship, of the abnegation of self in the face of the Almighty, was a distraction, a false trail. Wherever goodness lay, it did not lie in ritual, unthinking obeisance before a deity but rather, perhaps, in the slow, clumsy, error-strewn working out of an individual or collective path.

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Everything has shape, if you look for it. There is no escape from form.

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Showing Salman Rushdie quotes 1 - 12 of 4 Salman Rushdie quotes, Page 1 of 1 pages.