Storytelling Quotes

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List of Storytelling Quotes

Showing Storytelling quotes 1 - 12 of 2 Storytelling quotes, Page 1 of 1 pages.

Which story do you want to hear my child?"he picked him up and made him sit on his lap.
"Tell us the story of that fairy who lived in a house of wafers,had a garden of chocolate trees and a pond full of goldfishes,"the child wrapped his arms around his shoulder.

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The story hangs in the night air between them. It is very latem, and if father or daugther stepped to the window, tehyw ould see the Suktara, star of the impending dawn, hanging low in the sky. But they keep sitting at the table, each thinking of the story differently, as teller and listener always must. In the mind of each, different images swirl up and fall away, and each holds on to a different part of the story, thinking it the most important. And if each were to speak what it meant, they would say things so different you would not know it wa sthe same story they were speaking of.

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Showing Storytelling quotes 1 - 12 of 2 Storytelling quotes, Page 1 of 1 pages.